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How to Downgrade Your iPhone: A Step-by-Step Guide 降级你的iPhone:一步一步的指南 If you're an iPhone user who has upgraded to the latest version of iOS and you're finding your phone buggy or slow, you might be considering downgrading. Here's how to go about it: 如果你是一个已经升级到最新的iOS版本的iPhone用户,但你发现你的手机有些卡或慢,那么你可能正在考虑降级。以下是如何进行: Step 1: Backup Your iPhone 步骤1:备份你的iPhone First things first, before you begin the downgrade process, be sure to backup your iPhone to iTunes or iCloud. This is important as downgrading your device will erase all your data and settings. 首先,在开始降级过程之前,请确保您将iPhone备份到iTunes或iCloud。这很重要,因为降级您的设备将删除所有数据和设置。 Step 2: Download the IPSW File 步骤2:下载IPSW文件 Next, download the IPSW firmware file for the iOS version you want to downgrade to. You can download IPSW files from various sources on the internet, but be sure to download the correct firmware file for your iPhone model. 接下来,下载您想要降级到的iOS版本的IPSW固件文件。您可以从互联网上的各种来源下载IPSW文件,但请务必下载适用于您的iPhone型号的正确固件文件。 Step 3: Turn off Find My iPhone 步骤3:关闭查找我的iPhone Before you begin the downgrade process, you need to turn off Find My iPhone on your device. To do this, go to Settings > iCloud > Find My iPhone and turn it off. 在开始降级过程之前,您需要在设备上关闭“查找我的iPhone”。要做到这一点,请转到“设置”>“iCloud”>“查找我的iPhone”,然后关闭它。 Step 4: Connect Your iPhone to iTunes 步骤4:将您的iPhone连接到iTunes Connect your iPhone to your computer and launch iTunes. Make sure your computer has the latest version of iTunes installed. 将您的iPhone连接到计算机并启动iTunes。确保您的计算机安装了最新版本的iTunes。 Step 5: Enter DFU Mode 步骤5:进入DFU模式 To downgrade your iPhone, you need to enter DFU (Device Firmware Update) mode. To do this, follow these steps: 要降级您的iPhone,您需要进入DFU(设备固件更新)模式。要做到这一点,请按照以下步骤操作: - Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button and the Home button at the same time for 10 seconds. 同时按住睡眠/唤醒按钮和Home按钮10秒钟。 - Release the Sleep/Wake button but continue holding the Home button for 5-10 seconds. 松开睡眠/唤醒按钮,但继续按住Home按钮5-10秒钟。 - If your screen stays black, you have successfully entered DFU mode. If your screen displays the Apple logo, try again. 如果您的屏幕保持黑色,您已成功进入DFU模式。如果您的屏幕显示Apple标志,请重试。 Step 6: Restore Your iPhone 步骤6:恢复你的iPhone In iTunes, hold down the Shift key and click on the Restore iPhone button. A window will pop up, allowing you to select the IPSW firmware file you downloaded in Step 2. Select the file and click Open. The restore process will begin and your iPhone will be downgraded to the selected iOS version. 在iTunes中,按住Shift键并单击“恢复iPhone”按钮。一个窗口会弹出,允许您选择在步骤2中下载的IPSW固件文件。选择文件,然后单击“打开”。恢复过程将开始,您的iPhone将降级到所选的iOS版本。 In conclusion, 总之, Downgrading your iPhone can be a way to fix issues that arise after upgrading to a new version of iOS. However, it's important to backup your device and follow the correct steps to ensure a successful downgrade. With the information provided above, you should be able to easily downgrade your iPhone to the iOS version you prefer, and get your device running smoothly again. 降级您的iPhone可以是修复升级到新版本iOS后出现的问题的一种方法。但是,备份设备和遵循正确的步骤以确保成功降级非常重要。通过以上提供的信息,您应该能够轻松地将您的iPhone降级到您喜欢的iOS版本,使您的设备重新顺畅运行。

标签: 苹果手
