
足球平台出租 23 0
Μy Experience with Huawei: Redefining Smartphone Performance A couple of months ago, I decided to take the leap and purchase a Huawei smartphone. Despite my apprehension to try something new, I was delighted with my decision. However, my experience was not without its fair share of hiccups. The biggest issue I faced was with the software system. In this article, I will share my thoughts on Huawei's software system and why I believe it needs a revamp. The Current Software System: A Mixed Bag The Huawei smartphone operates on Android, but with a thick layer of custom skin known as EMUI. EMUI is known for its large selection of features and options, but it can be overwhelming at times. While I appreciate the effort Huawei puts into their software, there are critical features that are missing or poorly implemented. One of the most frustrating issues is Huawei's tendency to force certain applications onto users. This practice is commonly seen on all Android smartphones, but Huawei takes it to another level. The most prevalent example is Huawei's insistence on using their own apps for basic functions like messaging and dialing numbers. While it is possible to use third-party apps, the user experience is often subpar. Another issue I faced was the bloatware that came pre-installed on the phone. There were several apps that I had no use for, and in some cases, could not delete. These extra apps take up valuable storage space and can hinder the phone's performance. While most Android devices come with some bloatware, Huawei seems to be taking it to the extreme. Revamping the Software: What Needs to be Done There are a few critical features that need to be re-evaluated in Huawei's software system. The first being the excessive bloatware that comes pre-loaded on the phone. Users should have the option to remove any app they do not use, which can help to free up space for more necessary ones. Additionally, Huawei should prioritize user experience when it comes to application selection. Defaults should be set to more widely used applications, such as Google's messaging and phone dialer applications. While including their own applications is essential, forcing them upon users is not ideal. Finally, there needs to be a re-evaluation of the level of customization provided through EMUI. While Huawei prides itself in offering more features than other smartphone brands, the extensive customization options can be daunting for users. A more streamlined and user-friendly interface could benefit the overall user experience, without sacrificing functionality. Conclusion While there are certainly areas that could use improvement, I still consider my experience with Huawei to be overall positive. The hardware is top-notch, and the camera is one of the best on the market. However, making enhancements to the software system would give it that extra edge in a highly competitive market. By providing a more user-friendly experience, Huawei could attract more users to try the brand. So, if given the chance at Huawei, I would suggest taking a better and more user-friendly approach to the software system. While currently offering many features, it can be overwhelming for first-time users. By improving the software, Huawei has the potential to become a significant player in the smartphone industry.


标签: 华为手机
